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    Surface treatment technology of die-casting mold
    Source:未知Author:tianxun Date:2020-03-28 11:41 Browse:

           Modern electricians are everywhere. News about electrical appliances processing, bicycle die-casting parts, mobile phone middle plate die-casting, radiator processing, mechanical parts processing, mechanical parts die-casting, electronic parts die-casting, aluminum alloy die-casting parts processing.

           Die-casting molds are a large class of molds. With the rapid development of China's automobile and motorcycle industries, the die casting industry has ushered in a new period of development. At the same time, higher requirements are also placed on the mechanical properties and life of the die. In order to meet the increase in performance requirements, it can only be difficult to meet new mold materials. Various surface treatment technologies must be applied to casting molds. Die-casting molds achieve surface treatments with high efficiency, high precision and long life. Die-casting is a process of high-pressure, high-speed full-mold and die-casting of molten metal in hot metal repeated contact, so the die-casting mold has high heat resistance, thermal fatigue wear, corrosion resistance, impact toughness, red hardness, Good release properties. Therefore, the technical requirements for the surface treatment of die-casting molds In recent years, new technologies for the surface treatment of various die-casting molds have continuously emerged, but they can generally be divided into the following three categories:

           (1) Improvement of traditional heat treatment process;

            (2) Surface modification technologies, including surface treatment, surface thermal diffusion strengthening, and electric spark strengthening technology; (3) coating technologies, including chemical plating.

           Improvement of traditional heat treatment process
           The traditional heat treatment process for die casting molds is quenching and tempering. Since various materials can be used as die-casting molds, the same surface treatment process and process can have different effects in different materials. SKOV recently proposed the pretreatment technology of the base material for the mold base material and surface treatment technology, and the treatment technology, and proposed different mold materials based on the traditional process to improve the performance of the mold and increase the life of the mold. Another development direction of heat treatment technology is to combine the traditional heat treatment technology with advanced surface treatment technology to improve the service life of the die. If the carbonitriding chemical treatment method is combined with the conventional quenching and tempering process (ie carbonitriding and carbonitriding quenching) NQN composite strengthening, it not only has a high surface hardness and an increase in the depth of the effective hardened layer, and the layer hardness gradient The distribution, stability and fire and corrosion resistance are improved in order to obtain good performance at the same time, and the performance and surface quality are greatly improved.

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