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    Development status of aluminum processing in China
    Source:未知Author:tianxun Date:2020-03-28 11:54 Browse:

           From the macro level of economic growth, the meso perspective of industry evolution, and the micro behavior of enterprise development, we have found that the current aluminum industry will move from primary electrolytic aluminum smelting to intensive processing. Aluminum processing products are generally priced in the form of “aluminum price + processing fee”. When the total downstream demand and structural increase are rapidly increasing, companies with technological advantages, channel advantages, cost advantages, and location advantages not only have processing rates It can be guaranteed, and there is also the possibility of improvement. If the factors of capacity expansion are added together, the growth of performance will be rapid and significant.

          In recent years, China's aluminum profile industry has grown rapidly and has completely developed into a highly competitive industry. As of the end of 2010, there were 824 aluminum profiles enterprises above the designated size in China. After the rapid development stage and the fierce market competition, the basic pattern was initially formed. At present, there are many manufacturers in the aluminum foil industry in China, and the industry concentration is low. No one company has a significant market share, and no one company can have a decisive influence on the development of the entire industry. In 2010, the national aluminum foil output was about 2 million tons, and there were more than 250 companies engaged in aluminum foil production, with an average output of about 80,000 tons. The average scale is small, there are many small enterprises, and there is excessive competition in the field of low value-added products. .

           With the rapid growth of China's aluminum profile industry, the sales revenue of the aluminum profile industry will also increase year by year. Statistics show that from 2005 to 2010, the compound annual growth rate of sales revenue of China's aluminum profile industry was 35.20%. According to the current domestic and international economic situation, combining 2005-2010 sales data of China's aluminum profile industry and China's economic growth data, a rough estimate is that the compound annual growth rate of sales revenue of China's aluminum profile industry from 2011 to 2015 is 20%. In 2015, China Aluminum The sales revenue of the profile industry will reach 10498 billion yuan. With the rapid development of the aluminum foil downstream industry, its demand for aluminum foil will continue to increase. By 2012, aluminum foil consumption will reach 1.8 million tons, 2013 will reach 2.1 million tons, and the compound annual growth rate from 2011 to 2013 will reach 17 %.

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